Friday 26 July 2013

Key Lime Pie

Here in the UK, avocados are pretty expensive. We're talking about £1 for a medium-large sized one.

Lucky little me found some for 39p (!) in Lidl, along with some cheap juicy limes. This pie was pretty much a no-brainer.

Armed with this baby, I set off into the wonderful world of experimentation!

Weirdly enough, I've never actually eaten avocados before. They taste kinda funky on their own, but when you pour copious amounts of sugar in it - winner winner, chicken dinner!

I kid; this post is under the 'healthy' tag after all.

Limes are actually a really pretty fruit, too. Not so pretty when you squeeze the juice into your eye.

You can tell I was tired when I made this, because after I took this photo I put the lid on and turned the blender on without taking the spoon out.

This delicious green mess is:

2 medium-large avocaods
2 limes, juice and zest
2 tbsp single cream
1 tbsp stevia
4 tbsp flour

I got to this by trial and error... I knew I wanted creamy, limey and a little sweet (is limey a word?), but I'm trying to keep it low on the sugar and saturated fat. Healthy is good ♥

In the mean time, I mixed oats, melted butter, cinnamon, chopped nuts and a few assorted raisins together. Just do whatever looks good, in a quantity big enough to cover your dish about half an inch thick.

Due to the obscenely large pie dish I have (it's bigger than my head) mine is a little thinner than I would've liked, but I made do.

Bake it in a 190C oven for about 10 minutes, then let it cool.

Schoooooop in your filling, chill and serve!

 ...Whipped cream? Whipped cream.

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