Sunday 11 August 2013

Raspberry and chocolate cake

A friend of mine, Billy, is moving away to Australia to live with his girlfriend for a bit. When his sister (also my friend) invited me to his leaving 'do, of course I said yes! I wanted to have a nice catchup and see people.

Any excuse for a cake, eh? ;) 

It was a good job I brought one, too - I didn't know all that many people at all, but cake is an instant friend-maker. It went down a treat!

My tools of the trade: raspberries, some chocolate fudge ganache and two 24cm chocolate cakes.

I slathered the bottom of the bottom half (say what) with my ganache...

then made a huge mess with a piping bag and the rest of the ganache and some swirls!

The piping bag kept getting all... air-y? And then instead of coming out in a nice pattern it came out like spaghetti! I tried to cover it up.

The ganache was a pain in the butt to make. I accidentally forgot to use my whipping cream, so it was all... lumpy...

I didn't take a picture of that for good reason. It was grim.

Sooo I used the rest of the whipping cream with nowhere near enough chocolate, and it wouldn't set! I ended up putting another whole bar of dark cooking chocolate in, and it set into a nice fudgey chocolatey cream. 

Pop em together, whack on some raspberries and a little dusted sugar and wham! Delicious fancy looking cake.

It was wonderful and moist and everybody loved it, especially Billy! Fancy looking cakes don't have to be difficult, especially if you put swirls on it (even if they're a bit wonky). 

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